When charismatic USA-Argentine duo Eleanor Dubinsky and Dario Acosta Teich perform together, they connect — to each other, to audiences, to diverse traditions that become surprisingly familiar, and to the deeper reaches of human emotion. Their feel-good concerts of jazz, Latin, French and original songs invite audiences to travel the world while discovering underground tributaries that connect us in our shared human experience.

Eleanor is a St. Louis-born vocalist and multi-instrumentalist with musical roots in classical cello. Dario is a virtuoso guitarist from Tucumán, Argentina, a South American center of folk music and indigenous culture. Their shared, ever-evolving creative paths have taken them to respected stages across five continents including The Millennium Stage at The Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center’s La Casita, Bebop Jazz in Buenos Aires, Jazz Aspen, the Guggenheim Museum, Museu Da Música in Lisbon, Joe’s Pub and The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia.

Educational outreach is a key element of Eleanor and Darío’s offerings. Their workshops and residencies emphasize accessibility and inclusion and can be adapted for elementary through university level. Eleanor and Darío serve as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Arts Envoy program and African Regional Services. They have performed and lead educational programs for U.S. Embassies in Mauritania, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Argentina, and Honduras.. The New York City based duo is fluent and teach in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Hebrew.


Live at the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theater (Excerpts), 2022

Latin version of “My Favorite Things”

Live at Joe's Pub at The Public Theater / NYC, 2022

Eleanor & Dario en Argentina / Embajadores Culturales de USA


JAN 30 Dagny Astoria, NYC

FEB 20 House Concert

FEB 22 Crib Concerts, Arcata (CA)

FEB 23 Music In The Redwoods, Crescent City (CA)

FEB 24 Elementary School Workshop, Crescent City (CA)

MAR 3 Society of Illustrators, NYC

AUG 16 TBA, Bridgton (ME)

SEP 7 TBA, Martha’s Vineyard (MA)